word to Ice Cube. Sometimes it seems like everything comes together perfectly. Like today for instance. First of all, I woke up to get ready for work. Usually everyone is home in the mornings and it slows me up, but today, everyone had alread left.
Next, I arrived to work on time. That is a wonder in of itself. Upon arriving at work, I discovered that today was in fact, beer day, a great day of rejoicing for all Anheuser-Busch employees who received their free beer. One of the perks of working for a beer company I suppose. Every second wednesday of the month is like a mini holiday.
Also while at work, I received an automated call from UPS stating that I had a package that would be arriving today (no homo). It was my XBox 360 which had been f@*#ed up since like March but due to my laziness, I just sent it off to Microsoft in like June or July. I had been going through XBox withdrawls I think. Anyway this presented a dilemma, because Madden had just come out the day before, but I didn't preorder it like I usually do because my XBox was being "serviced." Luckily I was able to find a Gamestop that had some available. After acquiring Madden 08, I was on my way to the UPS Center to get my long lost XBox. I got there at around 7:30, but it didn't open until 8. Then, a guy came out and asked me my address. He went and got my box, took my signature and stuff and said "Maybe this will save you some time." There are good people still around.
All in all, today was a good day. Only thing I didn't do was mess around and get a triple double.