My dad gets these spicy peanuts and I must say, they are the best thing since sliced bread (although they may have been around before sliced bread...) If only a food this delicious wasn't so frustrating. The worst is breaking the shell and then the nut drops back into the bag. Or getting a silly looking peanut, or one that's all skinny and black (word to Flava Flav).
For someone reason while thinking about peanuts, I thought of George Washington Carver. Everyone learned about him back in school, but I did a little research (Google) about my man Dubb C. This man was truly a genius. This extra intelligent black man was able to create over 100 byproducts from peanuts, including gasoline, plastics, paint, and nitroglycerin. That's pretty awesome when you think about it. How could something so scrumptious when salted also be so useful in various manners?

As I was searching for a picture of actual peanuts for this, I came across this artist's rendition of the Peanuts crew all grown up.

Lucy looks like she's a b**** now, Linus is dying to come out of the closet, and Charlie Brown apparently will become a future serial killer. Awesome.