Mike's Hard Lemonade and all it's variations are disgusting. Somehow a couple magically appeared in the refrigerator at home and was the only alcohol left. It wasn't my idea, but my dad's to try one of these. I reluctantly agreed, and we shared one, since we were definitely cautious about trying these drinks. After tasting it, our disgust was for good reason. This s#%& is NASTY. Avoid this s#%& at all costs!

Some other trash I don't get down with is Joose. I do understand why some people like it, as "it'll get ya drunk!" word to Dave Chappelle's "Sam Adams" beer, but I just can't do it. Maybe it's the fact that it's an energy drink with alcohol in it doesn't sit right with my alcoholic instincts. I prefer to be able to pass out when I'm done drinking, thank you very much.