"...and nobody seemed to solve them" word to AZ. The original joint go hard too. But I digress. Ayo I have some problems which I will detail here in list form.
1. Money Management
I just spent entirely too much money on an iphone yesterday. Money which would have been better spent elsewhere. Oh well. I don't really get buyer's remorse much. In the word's of Kanye, "I'm only tryin to spend what they say you can't keep." Which is all of it. I spend entirely too much money on gidgets gadgets (lol), sneakers and tasty beverages, which transitions to another problem...
2. Budding Alcoholism
Not really tho. I don't post up outside of convience stores and beg for change. I don't drink when I'm happy or sad. I just like to partake of a cold beverage every now and then and feel a buzz. Is that so bad? Yeah, probably. Plus it's 2pm on a Tuesday and I'm drinking a cold brew as I type. But I just got off work so that makes it okay.
3. Procrastination
I wait until the last possible moment to do things. Like everything. If I have to be somehwere at 9, I'm leaving at the last possible second to get there exactly when I need to. Needless to say, I am late often because of this. Luckily I don't suck or my job would have fired me ages ago and my friends would have excommunicated me from the group.
4. Stubborn
Sometimes when people tell me to do things, I make sure to not do them because I am stubborn. I apologize in advance. I don't know why I do it either. Sometimes it can be genuinely good advice too. Doesn't matter. Let me figure it out on my own.
These are just a few of my flaws. "I know I aint perfect, but I'm ninety nine point nine percent" (c) Canibus.